Where code meets contracts.

DraftWise harnesses the institutional knowledge of your firm through machine learning so that everyone, from senior partners to first-day associates, can draft and negotiate better contracts and win better outcomes.

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Instantly Compare with Document Analysis

Quickly compare clauses, understand language context using DMS metadata, and preview definitions. Explore clause evolution with a version selector, maintain copied text formatting, and proactively identify needed definitions. Redline versions highlight negotiation changes, and soon, you'll identify frequently used clauses. Transform and refine your legal drafting effortlessly.

Screen mocks showing the results screen within DraftWise

Curate Language

Enhance workflow with our clause bank feature: save and curate clauses for easy future access, tailored for teams or junior associates. Organize documents into collections, tag clauses with essential contexts like 'Buyer/Seller Friendly', and promote best practices. Simplify your process with a one-click "Save Language" functionality across the platform.

Screen mocks showing the sharing and collection features of the DraftWise product
Screen mocks showing the DraftWise review tab

Review Work

Effortlessly read definitions and cross-references side-by-side in complex agreements, eliminating the need for split screens or constant searching. Streamline by identifying and rectifying unused or missing definitions. Look up unusual language, integrate favorable clauses from past reviews, and understand past original content mark-ups with our intuitive search and mark-up functions.

Supercharge your drafting and negotiating.

Experience the power of AI in legal document drafting and analysis.